The Streby Lab
Actionable Science for Evolutionarily Rational Conservation and Management
We need 7 field techs in 2015!!
MIST-NETTING AND GEOLOCATOR DEPLOYMENT TECHNICIANS (7) needed to join three crews that will road-trip throughout eastern North America deploying light-level geolocators on >400 Golden-winged Warblers, Blue-winged Warblers, and GWWA x BWWA hybrids. We are looking for applicants who will take pride in collecting high-quality ecological data with or without supervision, under often challenging field conditions (i.e., early and sometimes cold mornings, long hours of sun, heat, and humidity, while hiking on mountains and in wetlands with thorns and insects relentlessly seeking your blood) with a hard-working, team-oriented attitude, and preferably with a good sense of humor.
Minimum qualifications include experience with mist-netting and banding small passerines, advanced undergraduate standing in Wildlife Ecology or related major, and an enthusiastic interest in avian ecology. This job also requires that applicants are comfortable living, traveling, and working closely within a small group, are prepared to go with the flow during an unpredictable work schedule, and are in excellent physical condition. Crews will drive from site to site, starting in Tennessee and following spring phenology north through the Vermivora breeding range, spending 3 – 10 days at each of several sites target-netting and deploying light-level geolocators on very small songbirds. Two of the three crews will spend some time in Canada, requiring all technicians to have a valid passport before the season.
The season will run from 25 April 2015 through approximately 25 June 2015. The end date is flexible but the start date is nonnegotiable; there is no way of predicting spring phenology and we have to be ready when the birds are ready. Technician salary is $1,840/month. Persons interested in interviewing for a position should email a letter of interest and current CV with names and contact information (phone and email) for two references to Dr. Henry Streby at Please include YOUR LAST NAME and “MIGRATION TECH” in the email subject line.
Routes and approximate schedules for 3 crews starting in Tennessee and marking >400 Golden-winged Warblers, Blue-winged Warblers, and Vermivora hybrids with geolocators.