The Streby Lab
Actionable Science for Evolutionarily Rational Conservation and Management
Dr. Streby's primary teaching philosophy is to inspire critical thinking. He believes it is a fundamental responsibility of scientists to not only study and discover, but to communicate our knowledge in a way that inspires the generation of scientists that will follow us. He believes that this entails much more than the dissemination of facts in hopes that the best students can regurgitate those facts on exams. Students should leave Dr. Streby's classes with the skills necessary to find and critically analyze new scientific information on their own. Dr. Streby has developed a reputation at his graduate and postdoctoral universities as a teacher and colleague dedicated to meaningful communication.
Prior to teaching at UToledo, Dr. Streby had experience as an instructor of record and as a graduate teaching assistant in upper-level undergraduate courses. He was the teaching assistant and laboratory instructor for Ornithology for three years at Ohio University, where he was also a teaching assistant for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. He was a teaching assistant for Principles of Wildlife Management at the University of Minnesota, and then independently instructed that course the following year. He has also given guest lectures and filled in for instructors in several courses at Ohio University, University of Minnesota, and University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Streby expanded his understanding and philosophy of teaching in the Preparing Future Faculty program at the University of Minnesota and has enjoyed developing additional undergraduate and graduate level courses and seminars as a professor.
At The University of Toledo, Dr. Streby teaches the following regularly scheduled courses:
General Ecology - all Fall semesters
Avian Ecology Lab - even-year Spring semesters
Principles of Wildlife Management - even-year Fall semesters
Wildlife Techniques Lab - (coming soon) even year Fall semesters
Ecology Field Trip - (coming soon; with Dr. Ricky Becker) Spring semester 2022
Dr. Streby also mentors students in the Biodesign Challenge course taught each Spring by Eric Zeigler and Brian Carpenter.
Dr. Streby also co-organizes (with Dr. Kennedy Doro) the Department of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series
Other courses Dr. Streby has taught at UT:
Introduction to Environmental Studies - Spring 2018, Spring 2019
Drones in Environmental Sciences (with Dr. Ricky Becker) - Spring 2018
Wildlife Identification Lab (with Andrea Lindsay) - Spring 2019
Ecology Field Study - Trinidad (with Dr. Jon Bossenbroek) - Spring 2019
Landscape Ecology (with Dr. Jon Bossenbroek) - Spring 2017, Spring 2019