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Earlier News

April 2022 - Silas receives an Out To Innovate Career Development Fellowship!


February 2022 - Our paper on brood splitting behavior in Golden-winged Warblers is accepted for publication in the Journal of Avian Biology (S. Peterson, lead author)

January 2022 - Silas Fischer is awarded a grant from T&E Inc to support next steps in the Gray Vireo study.

November 2021 - Gunnar Kramer successfully defends his dissertation. On to the next adventure!

November 2021 - Our paper on post-fledging ecology in Gray Vireos is accepted for publication in Avian Ecology and Conservation. S. Fischer lead author (their first lead author paper!)

August 2021 - Annie and Gunnar are both voted in as Elective Members, and Dr. Streby is elected as a Fellow, of the American Ornithological Society

June 2021 - Our PNAS paper on Vermivora migratory connectivity (Kramer et al. 2018) won The Wildlife Society's 2021 Wildlife Publication Award, with all papers from the past 3 years in any journal eligible.

May 2021 - Annie Lindsay is awarded a grant from the Pennsylvania Ornithological Society for her research on subcutaneous fat in migratory birds.

May 2021 - The UToledo President, Provost, and Vice President of Research recognize Dr. Streby with the 2021 President's Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activity, an action which will someday be described disturbingly ironic.

May 2021 - Gunnar Kramer is awarded an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to work with Scott Edwards at Harvard. Now that's some high quality post-fledging habitat!

May 2021 - Our collaborative paper with the Refsnider Lab on algal bloom effects on birds, turtles, and snakes is accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment. J. Refsnider, lead author.

May 2021 - Silas Fischer is on the cover of the Wildlife Professional, author of an article inside, and interviewed in another article inside, recognizing their leadership in advancing diversity and inclusion in the sciences!

April 2021 - Silas Fischer ALSO receives the Louis Agassiz Fuertes grant; the Wilson Ornithological Society's most prestigious award.


April 2021 - Silas Fischer receives a Research Grant from the American Ornithological Society to support work on droughts and desert birds.

April 2021 - Dr. Streby is awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor. Does that mean he'll speak out about the events of the past 2 years? Should you be nervous?

April 2021 - Dr. Streby is recognized by the University of Toledo for "exceptional success in scholarly activity."

February 2021 - Gunnar Kramer is the Graduate Student of the Year for the North Central Section of The Wildlife Society.

February 2021 - Silas Fischer gives a compelling invited presentation on using Artscience to explore otherness in humans and birds at the annual conference of the College Art Association (only grad student in a session of professors).

October 2020 - Silas Fischer is featured in Audubon Magazine with an article about their extraordinary work fusing science, art, and gender.

May 2020 - Our collaborative paper on genomic identification of intergeneric hybrids is accepted by Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - D. Toews, lead author.

May 2020 - Silas Fischer successfully defends their MS thesis (via Webex with >40 participants) from a remote field station while collecting dissertation data!

April 2020 - Our collaborative paper on genomics in hybrid Vermivora warblers is accepted for publication in The Auk: Ornithological Advances - M. Baiz, lead author.

March 2020 - Dr. Streby starts his new jobs as an online instructor and kindergarten home-school teacher. 

January 2020 - Our paper about migratory movements in Red-headed Woodpeckers is accepted for publication in Animal Migration - R.K. Pagel, lead author.

January 2020 - Our paper about knowing whether statistical tests are useful in accepted for publication in Heliyon - S. Qian, lead author.

January 2020 - Our Photo Gallery documenting our work on bivanlent song in warblers is published in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America - G. Kramer, lead author.

November 2019 - Congratulations to Kyle Pagel (MS, 2019) on his new job as an Environmental Scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife!

August 2019 - Our Share With Wildlife grant is funded to continue work with Gray Vireos in New Mexico in 2020.

August 2019 - Our collaborative paper on a single gene associated with migration behavior in Vermivora warblers is accepted for publication in PNAS - D. Toews, lead author.

August 2019 - Our paper on bivalent singing in Vermivora warblers is accepted for publication in Ecology - G. Kramer, lead author.

April 2019 - R. Kyle Pagel successfully defends his Master's thesis and submits his first manuscript for publication.

April 2019 - Silas Fischer is awarded the prestigious University Fellowship to complete their doctoral studies in the Streby Lab.

March 2019 - Our paper on resource use in horned lizards is accepted by Ecology and Evolution - J. Refsnider, lead author.

February 2019 - Our paper on productivity of woodcock and warblers in managed landscapes is accepted by Biological Conservation - G. Kramer, lead author.

February 2019 - Silas Fischer is awarded a Conservation Leaders of Tomorrow Professional Development Scholarship.

November 2018 - Our collaborative paper about geolocators altering selection in common yellowthroats is accepted by PLOSOne - C. Taff, lead author.

October 2018 - Dr. Streby's collaborative paper about ticks on birds is accepted by Infection Ecology and Epidemiology - J. Brinkerhoff, lead author.

October 2018 - Dr. Streby's collaborative paper about a meta-hybrid warbler is accepted by Biology Letters - D. Toews, lead author.

October 2018 - The Streby Lab rocks Cleveland with 5 presentations at the TWS meeting.

September 2018 - So cool to have our tornado paper discussed in Dr. Bob Zink's new book.

September 2018 - Excellent new Ornithology textbook includes boxes authored by Dr. Streby in the chapter on movement ecology by Alice Boyle.

August 2018 - The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish funds our proposal to continue Gray Vireo research at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge.

May 2018 - Gunnar Kramer receives the prestigious Graduate Dean's Fellowship which will fund the entirety of his remaining graduate career!

April 2018 - The Streby Lab presented 3 talks and 2 posters and did some excellent networking at the well-organized AOS meeting in Tucson.

February 2018 - Our paper on phenotypic plasticity in translocated lizards is accepted for publication in Functional Ecology - J. Refsnider, lead author.

February 2018 - Our paper on Vermivora migratory connectivity is accepted for publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. - G. Kramer, lead author.

February 2018 - Annie and Kyle present posters on their research at the Toledo Forum on Local Natural History and Research.

January 2018 - Gunnar and Sarah give talks on their research at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife meeting in Milwaukee.


January 2018 - Our paper assessing management effects on golden-winged warbler abundance and productivity is accepted for publication in PeerJ.

December 2017 - Current Biology accepts our correspondence paper in which we attempt to defend common sense.

October 2017 - Gunnar Kramer: another presentation, another best presentation award. This time it was the Dr. David Asborne award at the Ohio Avian Research Conference.

August 2017 - Kyle and Gunnar represent the lab with a poster and a talk that both went over well at the AOS meeting in Michigan.

May 2017 -  Kyle's Red-headed Woodpecker research gets nice media coverage from 13ABC News, WTOL11 News, and The Toledo Blade (see media page). 

April 2017 - Congratulations to Sarah Fischer for receiving the New Mexico Ornithological Society Research Grant and the 2017 Sevilleta Graduate Student Fellowship for her work on  Gray Vireos.

April 2017 - Congratulations to incoming PhD student, Annie Crary, for receiving the University Fellowship, the highest student award made by the College of Graduate Studies at UT!

February 2017 - Dr. Streby gives a talk on Vermivora migration in UT's Lake Erie Center Public Lecture Series.

December 2016 - Gunnar's paper on golden-winged warbler migration and nonbreeding locations is accepted for publication in the Condor: Ornithological Applications.

November 2016 - Dr. Streby gives a talk on migratory warblers at the IBBA meeting at Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary. Thanks to Amy Wilms for the invitation and hospitality.

September 2016 - Dr. Streby gives a talk on migratory warblers at the BSBO Fall Warbler Workshop and is convinced by Kenn Kaufman that fall warbler plumage is underappreciated.

September 2016 - New video about our work with Vermivora migration featured on the UToledo Facebook page. Thanks to Vince and the UT PR crew!

August 2016 - Gunnar Kramer wins AOU Student Presentation Award for his migration talk at the NAOC meeting in Washington DC. 

April 2016 - The Biggest Week in American Birding is almost here. Northwest Ohio will once again host thousands of birders and nature lovers as millions of birds funnel through this critical migratory stop-over habitat.

Mar 2016 - Dr. Streby and lab collaborator, Justin Lehman, are featured in an article in Newsweek about an infamous historical moment when sports and ornithology collided.


Mar 2016 - Dr. Streby speaks in the FNR seminar series and gives a harness-fitting workshop at Purdue University. Thanks to Patrick Ruhl and Barny Dunning for the invitation and hospitality.


Feb 2016 - Gunnar Kramer reports preliminary Vermivora migration results at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife conference in Grand Rapids, MI.


Sep 2015 - Dr. Streby accepts invitation to join the Research Committee at the Black Swamp Bird Observatory, a leader in research, monitoring, and outreach, and home to the USA Today #1 best birding spot in America!

Aug 2015 -

Dr. Streby joins the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Toledo.

May 2015 -

We added a blog for the 2015 field season.


May 2015 -

Dr. Streby signs on as an Assistant Professor at the University of Toledo. Look out Ohio, I'm comin' home!

April 2015 -

Sean Peterson's paper comparing cost and bias in nest searching methods is accepted for publication in Condor: Ornithological Applications (most productive MS student ever?... perhaps).


March 2015 -

Our two papers on marking methods and no effects of geolocators on small songbirds are in the current issue of Condor: Ornithological Applications, and on the cover.

March 2015 -

This fall Sean Peterson will be taking his talents to the Bay Area to study California Black Rails with the Beissinger lab at UC Berkeley (no press conference planned).

January 2015

Dr. Streby is awarded a grant from the National Geographic Society for the Vermivora Migration Project. Ultimately this grant was not accepted due to NGS contractual language that was incompatible with Federal employee obligations.


December 2014

Our Evacuation Migration paper is published in Current Biology with extensive media coverage (>200 outlets worldwide), much of which is accurate.


December 2014

We added a page called ASSUMPTIONBUSTERS


November 2014

Dr. Streby accepts invitation to become an Associate Editor for the Wildlife Society Bulletin starting January 2015.


November 2014

Dr. Streby accepts invitation to join the AOU-COS Joint Advisory Committee on Publications.


November 2014

Dr. Streby and Gunnar Kramer attend the Festival de las Aves in Medellin, Colombia and give an invited talk about our migration work. ¡Gracias a todos nuestros nuevos amigos en Colombia!

October 2014

Our invited perspectives paper on full-season productivity in songbirds is published in Auk: Ornithological Advances.

August 2014

Our paper about independent fledgling golden-winged warblers is published in Animal Conservation.

June 2014

Henry and Gunnar lead sessions at the 2014 White Earth Academy of Math and Science, and it was a blast!  Thank you to Deb Zak and all the other instructors for inviting us back.

January 2014

Our Proceedings B paper is featured in the Science Blog of The Economist and in The Scientist Magazine.

January 2014

Our paper on songbird nest-site choice is featured on the cover of Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

November 2013

Sean Peterson successfully defends his Master's Thesis

August 2013

Dr. Streby receives 2013 Cooper Ornithological Society Young Professional Award.

August 2012

Dr. Streby begins his NSF Postdoc Fellowship and joins Steve Beissinger's Lab at the University of California, Berkeley

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