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It All Starts in Tennessee

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The 2015 field crew is feeling pretty tough after spending the day harnessing up and launching 430 geolocators. That was the easy part. Now, let's see if we can deploy them all on Golden-winged Warblers, Blue-winged Warblers, and Vermivora hybrids over the next two months.

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The conference room at the Holiday Inn Express was the perfect venue for setting up a geolocator assembly line.

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Three crews will train in Tennessee and then follow these routes and approximate schedules to deploy geolocators at >20 study locations across the breeding range of the Vermivora species complex. Each crew will meet up with collaborators and other helpful folks at each site and get invaluable information on the local birds and logistics. At some of the sites collaborators will be helping deploy geolocators independently or alongside our crews.

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