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Yet Another Very Successful Season!

Last 2 birds group photo at Rice Lake.jpg

All the crews met up at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge to mark the last male and female Golden-winged Warblers of the season. Kate, Elijah, Cassie, Pam (back left to right), Patty, Gunnar, Kristie, and Kyle (front left to right) pose here with the last male and female marked this season. All this a full week earlier than expected!

Sean headed home a day earlier to prepare for his move to California and start his PhD work at UC Berkeley. Henry wasn't there for much of the excitement because he's been home taking care of an amazing new addition to his family. We'll add some posts of past events in the coming days as we tie up loose ends and when Henry has more time between diaper changes.

This was certainly one of the most exciting, complicated, and challenging field seasons we have had. Thanks to an amazing crew and many helpful collaborators and partners, it was also a great success. Now we wait 10 months and get ready to do it all again next year!!

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