2016 Field Crews Are Set

We are only 3 weeks away from the 2016 field season. Warblers are making their way back to the breeding grounds and they are carrying tiny backpacks full of amazing data. Our crews will once again meet up in Tennessee, retrace our paths from last year, and hopefully find a huge number of geolocator-marked birds. If previous years are any indication, our apparent return rates (the marked birds that come back and are found by us) could be anywhere from 10% - 60%. There will probably be many ups and downs along the way, and we will probably find both extremes of that return-rate range at different sites. One thing is for sure - we have a solid team to do it.
Gunnar Kramer (Grad Student) and Henry Streby (Co-PI) are excited to have Cassie Ziegler, Kate Maley, and Kyle Pagel returning from last year's team to help run the show in 2016. We will also have Justin Lehman joining the team after working with us in Minnesota for 3 years and then collaborating with us in Tennessee for the past 3 years. One of Justin's long-time field techs, Jen Chancey, will also be joining the team along with newcomers, Allie Pesano, Jacob Wessels, and Shaun Wallace.
After 9 seasons working with Henry, Sean Peterson has flown off to California and is conducting his own exciting research on Black Rails. Sean's leadership will be missed but we will just have to find a way to move on...
Next update will be with a crew photo when we meet up in Tennessee!